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SL Disney Bound – Week Eighteen: Alice

I’m totally out of order now, but this is a confusing couple of weeks so I’m sweeping back to pick up Alice as part of the Disneybound challenge. I went very teal with her clothing, which I think is true to the Disney version of her if not true of a lot of other versions.It’s also an unusual set because usually I do two profile shots, two landscapes, and two squares, but this time one of the images lent itself so well to a wider landscape shot that I simply couldn’t resist at all (you’ll see it at the bottom; I love it so much). I actually don’t use any eyelid prosthetics to achieve that kind of look because when my avatar is blinking I like it to reflect the eyeshadow she’s wearing instead of tinted by me, so what I do instead is take advantage of a glitch effect with the Anypose System, whereby if you click through the different eye settings quickly enough, eventually you’ll make your avatar close her (or his) eyes, at which point they remain that way until you clear the direction of the eyes. I’ve also made special versions of my usual (Read more…)

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via iheartsl Second Life Fashion and Community Feed http://primdolls.blogspot.com/2013/07/sl-disney-bound-week-eighteen-alice.html

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