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This is how I feel…

and, nothing is going to ruin it this year..

This is how I feel

read below for, more info!

I swear, I am hugging hearts where ever I go…

So many things have changed this year.

Reconnecting with old friends, seeing people in SL I have not seen in years..

Mending bridges or, finding a … easier compromise.

My blog hitting over 500 posts with.. well, pretty much just ME posting.. since my brother Jay only did one or two..

I have reconnected with, Lucifer and of course I am happy about that…

I am sure this year has been interesting, good and bad for you as well.

I really hope that everyone has a great new year..

I am sure this is not my last post for the year but, just incase I miss you.. I wanted you to know that someone, somewhere out in the world we call PLANET EARTH, there is someone thinking of you, and wishing you well.

I could offer you my heart… but, it is something that I am somewhat attached too lol… however, these hearts in this post.. you can actually get for yourself, at aDORKable Poses.. they are called, “aDORKable Poses: Je T’aime“..

I really love the store.. there are freebies and gifts here and there thru out the store!

This is how I feel

As you know this is the season to be giving, and many of the designers in SL are being very generous..

The dress I am wearing, if part of a hunt going on at Purple Moon..

I accidentally left the blogging group, and I always feel bad about going to the designers and admitting that but, I wanted to share this gift.. because, it is so pretty!

My boots are also part of a hunt.. I am sorry that I do not know the actual (Read more…)

© Morgana Hilra for iheartsl Second Life Fashion and Community Feed, 2012. | Permalink | No comment |

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via iheartsl Second Life Fashion and Community Feed http://sohawtsl.wordpress.com/2012/12/21/this-is-how-i-feel/

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