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Scandinavian Spring

Hello Everyone!

Simultaneously with the arrival of spring the Forest Spring Concert Event has started – it’s a mini event with 15, if I counted right, participating designers offering all kinds of spring themed items and gachas. The furniture you can see on the pic is all from that event, as well as my pretty hair flowers. Please check for all credits below:

Credits Outfit:

dress: Pixicat - Prudence Dress

tights: Izzie’s – Sheer Tights brown

shoes: FAUN - Sleepy Kitty Flats (@ Kustom9)

gloves: Izzie’s – Short Lace Gloves

bracelets: Zenith - Love Heart Leather Bracelet

via iheartsl Second Life | iheartsl Second Life http://ift.tt/1hfEpZl

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