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Miss Flake and the Lost Little Bunling

“You see, Miss Flake, the last night’s snowfall was really rather heavy and we think you might have overdone yourself just a dash. Our young’un hopped out to play, but we lost sight of ‘im, because of the white fur and snow and all that, you understand. I said to Pinknose, I said to her, why don’t we talk to Miss Flake. She’s a sensible kind of snow fairy, she is. She’ll help us.”

missflake1cs “Of course I’ll help, Mr. Pokepaw. It is sort of my fault, after all. I danced slightly longer than I was supposed to, but it wasRead more at the source.

via iheartsl Second Life Fashion and Community Feed http://astalianda.wordpress.com/2014/01/13/miss-flake-and-the-lost-little-bunling/

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