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Just What I Needed

Just What I Needed (1)

Just What I Needed (2)

Just What I Needed (3)

Books! I have to say I have missed them so…..ok not in sl but in rl. I was given the gift of an e-reader for my birthday and I am so happy about it. Having had several operations on my eyes, I am still what is considered legally blind…….oh you didn’t know that huh? Yes that’s right…..I am a blogger that has the worst eye sight around, but being in between more fixes I have not been able to read a book in two whole years…….and coming from someone who could read a novel in a night or two…….something was … Read more at the source.

via iheartsl Second Life Fashion and Community Feed http://anotherdamnslblog.com/2013/11/26/just-what-i-needed/

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