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Lets play.. “let’s mess with my blog”, just for fun!

Ok, so…

I am going to attempt something new with my post..

I saw a fellow bloggers, blog and I loved the layout..

How it shows the photo but then to see the links there is a page break, and you click the link and can see your info on the other page..

This is the blog in question.. or rather, GOAL…

See how clean that looks? Well, I am about to attempt to do something like that.. and chances are, I will bugger it up, so please bare with me.. and incase I DO in fact mess it up, feel free to attempt to help me in the comments.. thanks!!

So, HUCCI and Exile have some new releases..

Hucci has this awesome shorts, jumpsuit.. shown here in Midnight/Crisp and, Crisp/Multi… this is a mesh outfit, and fits nicely on my .Pekka. shape called, Aniezka…

Exile has released 3 new hairs called, Catwalk, Kiss Me and London Rain.. all mesh…

I swear I am living in a MESH world!!! lol and I am LOVING IT!!

The skin I am wearing is from, HUSH and is called, Melody…

New Releases

Now, I didn’t actually mess up the shadows in this photo.. I just took them at different angles and THAT messed it up LOL.. but they are still cool looks!!

And now for the test… wish me luck!



Skin: [Hush] Melody Skin – CharcoalPink

Hairs: Exile

Eyes: Mayfly – Deep Sky Eyes (Rainshower Shadow, w1)

Shape: .Pekka. Aniezka Shape (EYES ARE EDITED!!!)


Outfits: ::HH:: Hucci Bethany Shorts Ensemble

Shoes: ! AUDREY2 / Fatpack – REDGRAVE

(Thank you Rudh for helping me lol and Chase)
(click it.. you know you want too)

via iheartsl Second Life Fashion and Community Feed Blog http://sohawtsl.wordpress.com/2012/06/01/lets-play-lets-mess-with-my-blog-just-for-fun/

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